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Re: larry

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 23:16 +1100, Thierry Chatelet wrote:
> Rhys Hardwick wrote:
> > I agree.  Please keep to the topic.  I am not sure that religious 
> > analogies, or person insults are required on this list.
> >
> First insult was to write to me personnally.
> Thierry

Then don't fucking post your email address to the lists then dickhead.
ffs what a bunch of fucking tossers.  There's a reason why I stopped
posting on these lists and I think the past few days have pretty much
triggered my memory again.

1.  People like Michael who bring up a minor issue, 2 days after the
email was originally posted, looking to be 'debian gods' and throw some
weight around, insult someone else and then cry blue murder when they
cop a bit back.

2.  People who are so stuck with the old ways that anyone who criticizes
the old ways is then made out to be a troll.

3.  People like Thierry who post a private email to the list, and then
bitch and complain, and then have the gall to try and tell me (and
others) about posting etiquette - I don't give a flying fuck if you were
insulted Thierry.  Oh Thierry, learn to spell.  If you can't spell in
English, don't use it.  

You can keep your lists, the only one that had any balls and decency as
far as i'm concerned was Mr. Mike who graciously admitted that maybe he
jumped the gun by flaming someone else asking the list for help, the
likes of which the rest of you did absolutely *fuck all* to even help
him.  He actually showed an original thought and some courtesy, unlike
the rest of you.  Oh, i'll add Joey [Martin Schulze] as well, he's been
decent to me in the past.  

It seems the majority of posters here that i've seen actually posting
have a RTFM attitude and wouldn't lift a finger to help someone else.
I've noticed the same thing on the Debian IRC channel and quite frankly
Debian has shocking community 'support'.  You can keep your archaic
thoughts, hell you can go and install potato and wet your willies if you
really want.  Debian list members can keep acting like this and guess
what guys, you're going to turn a lot more people off who will leave
Debian for other distributions that at least offer better community


"It takes a special kind of genius to be able to tell someone to go to
hell in such a way as they end up thinking you wished them a pleasant

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