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Re: make-kpkg

2005/7/20, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica <tgakic@chem.tue.nl>:
> On 20-07-2005, at 16h 11'52", Emil Carlsson wrote about "make-kpkg"
> > I have a problem, I don't have the command make-kpkg, anyone know what
> > to do to install it? Can't find it as a deb but I am not sure on how to
> > install it actually... or what to search for to find it.
> >
> > I'e tried googling but all I get is "how you specialise your kernel..."
> > topics.
> >
> Install kernel-package package with apt-get or dselect or dpkg, etc.
> Ionel
> P.S. There is a dpkg command to show you whioch package contanins
> which file, but I am never able to remember that. I usualy do:
> grep make-kpkg /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list

You can also use apt-file. First, we install apt-file: apt-get install
apt-file, then we update the database that it is used by apt-file:
apt-file update (by root), and then we can start using it:
apt-file search make-kpkg.

Or you can use : http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages to search.

"Meine Hoffnung soll mich leiten
Durch die Tage ohne Dich
Und die Liebe soll mich tragen
Wenn der Schmerz die Hoffnung bricht"

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