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Re: larry

On Monday 28 February 2005 01:57 pm, David Pastern wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 22:54 +1100, Michael Stone wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 04:13:30PM +0100, David Schmitt wrote:
> > >Yes and exactly that is the point why debian-installer rules, and the
> > > windows installer sucks.
> >
> > Yes and no. Take the new partitioner, for example. Yes, it lets you do
> > more than the old partitioner, but if you think it's intuitive you're
> > nuts. And not only is it not intuitive, it's different than anything
> > anyone's used to partition things in debian before. So while it's more
> > friendly for new users, it's like a martian to an experienced user who's
> > comfortable with fdisk.
> >
> > Mike Stone
> So new is bad?  Different is bad?  It's the same old rhetoric that the
> Catholic Church has been spreading for the past thousand years.  If it
> conforms from the norm, it's bad.  It's wrong.  Baloney.
> As much as I liked the old installer, there needed to be improvements to
> be made, there were too many areas where it was weak.  You can argue to
> the cows come home, but the fact that Debian senior developers decided
> that the installer was updated says a lot I think.  And if you hear the
> number of people happy and impressed with the new sarge installer, then
> all is good.  Why should 90% of the users be unhappy to satisfy the 10%
> that don't want to change?

Absolutely Dave...  if that small minority had it's way, linux would still be 
a programmers toy on and old PDP11 in the back room of some university IT 
department.  There would be a million software development tools available 
but not a single usefull application using any of them...  My hat is off to 
all those 'progressive' linux folks that worked so long and hard to bring 
linux to where it is today...  

> Dave
> Proud Libranet GNU/Linux user
> Libranet The TOP Libranet distribution
> http://www.libranet.com/
> Download your free trial of Libranet 2.8.1 today!

Cheers: Mike

.. Now, a little humor compliments of Linux Fortune...

Age doesn't always bring wisdom.  Sometimes age comes alone.

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