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Re: larry

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 16:06 +1100, Peter C. Norton wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:15:57PM +1100, David Pastern wrote:
> > That's an incredibly rude response.  A few helpful guiding comments to
> > the user was all that was needed.  
> Actually,
> This is an interesting response because there's no reason that debain
> shouldn't have an easy system reporting script.  Run it and get a
> summary of your system for anyone interested in helping.
> Has this been done already?

Not that i'm aware of, but there could be some sort of application out
there that you can install with apt-get that does it, nothing surprises

That's beside the point though, rudeness isn't a good way to help
others.  This is the sort of behaviour that newbies report when they try
Linux for the first time and it turns them off and they go back to
Windows, reporting to friends and family that they were told to 'rtfm'
and that the Linux guys were really rude and unhelpful.  Not good PR for
Linux if you want my honest optinion.  

It took me all of 5 minutes to draft up a quick reply email covering
some salient points for that particular user to check.  How hard is

> -Peter


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