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Re: CD-Burning Problem

Hi Jason,

for burning cd-roms on non-scsi systems you have to emulate scsi-devices.

modprobe sg
modprobe ide-scsi

As Kernel-Parameter "hdx=ide-scsi"
Testing with "cdrecord --scanbus".

Sorry for my baaaaad english...


Am Montag, 18. Oktober 2004 20:03 schrieb Jason Martens:
> Hey all,
>    I have a laptop with a CD-RW/DVD drive in it.  When I run k3b as a
> regular user, it detects the drive incorrectly as a reader, but it won't
> let me burn with the drive.  If I run k3b as root, it correctly detects
> the drive as a CD-RW drive, and I am able to burn stuff without a
> problem.  I would rather not become root to burn CDs.
> I'm pretty sure that all of the permissions are correct on the drive
> itself.
> martensjason:/home/jason# ll /dev/hdc
> brw-rw-rw-  1 root cdrom 22, 0 Mar 14  2002 /dev/hdc
> martensjason:/home/jason# groups jason
> jason : jason disk dialout cdrom floppy audio burning
> Any thoughts?
> Jason

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