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Re: [Way OT] Re: GMAIL Invites..!

Rodney Richison wrote:

Mark Maas wrote:

Is it just me, or did you just install a fresh copy of Apache?
Totally no site anymore?

Yeah, admittedly, php is kicking my butt on this debian machine. I simply can not get apache to recognize it. (When you go to www.channelvar.com/html it wants to download rather than show content. First time I've ever had a problem installing php.

Are you using Apache2 or just Plain Apache?,
If you are using version 2 you can enable things like PHP and CGI, etc by symlinking there config and load files from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.

As for the HTML/top posting part:

Some prefer HTML, some plaintext.
But usually the ones who use HTML and do top posting, do not know all that much about email etiquette and computers in general. That's my experience anyway.

I dunno. I think it's more a matter of ... Don't give me any crap, just deliver my message so the others can help me out with this problem kinda thing. Being in the bussiness, most the time I have no time. Get it done now and move on.. :(

Exactly! That;s the type of answer I get daily from my users, (Mainly director's, manager's, Sales, in other words: Old guys ;-)

They don't want to be bothered by techie stuff or netiquette. They just want to get it done now.

But there's a difference in doing things and doing things right. If done right, you'll know for instance where to find that information when you may need to again in the future. Instead of reinventing the wheel.

I believe that if Outlook and Outlook express would have been setup by Microsoft to do bottom-posting default, things would have been different. We would then all be used to that. Even the non-tech's among us.

You may be right. I used OE for the longest time. Never have liked Outlook. Use thunderbird / imap now.

Thunderbird / IMAP is what I'm using now. And also Firefox.


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