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Re: Sarge - Minimum System Requirements

Dave Tapuska wrote:

>I had the main distribution installed on my P166 with
>64mb of RAM running for the longest time. With a crash
>of the harddrive; I installed Sarge being that it very
>close to going gold. Running the machine for the past

Use `free` to check memory usage. For example, I have,

adamm@mira:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1037364     899884     137480          0      28172     128532
-/+ buffers/cache:     743180     294184
Swap:            0          0          0

So according to this I have 294M free, even though top would say 137M.
Of course things like the following don't help,

 3596 adamm     15   0  347m 205m  33m S  0.0 20.3   4:05.99 mozilla-thunder
 3974 adamm     15   0  108m  99m  16m S  0.0  9.8   2:06.26 gnome-panel
 7964 adamm     16   0  112m  86m  21m S  0.0  8.5  35:54.24 gedit
15160 adamm     15   0  136m  83m  34m S  0.0  8.2  25:38.22 firefox-bin
 1335 root       5 -10  182m  47m 147m S  1.0  4.7 228:22.06 XFree86

23:56:01 up 16 days, 12:01, 22 users,  load average: 1.30, 1.28, 1.13

WTF all of these use soooo much memory, I have no idea. (especially to
read email) or gedit, lol.

restarting mozilla-thunderbird made it use,

27791 adamm     15   0  161m  36m  32m S  0.0  3.6   0:04.85 mozilla-thunder

There seem to be some *major* memory leaks there. I suspect there are
memory leaks thoughout the GUI interface (X on up). When I started the
box two weeks ago it only used up about 200M with the same programs
running... Oh, and during the course of writing this paragraph,

27791 adamm     15   0  163m  38m  32m S 10.3  3.8   0:09.89 mozilla-thunder

Then there is my DNS server,

dns:~# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         27404      19000       8404          0        264      10480
-/+ buffers/cache:       8256      19148
Swap:            0          0          0

Quite a constrast, eh? :) 8M used.

- Adam

PS. No, I don't have buggy hardware.

Building your applications one byte at a time

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