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Re: Kernel 2.6.6, Asla and no cdrom sound

On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 12:15:20PM -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
> Hi All
> I just changed sound on my system from the on board chip (Realtec
> ALC650) to an Audigy card. I also changed over to using the ALSA drivers
> at the same time by installing alsa-base and alsa-utils. Everything works
> except the cdrom. The cord is connected and the cdrom is spinning but no
> sound. All other parts of the sound system work. I am running Sarge with
> kernel 2.6.6. Googling came up with some people that upgraded drivers
> and cured the same type of problem. Since the ALSA drivers are part of
> the kernel 2.6 series I was not sure what to try next.
Forgot to mention that the cdrom connection is not muted.


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