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Some kernel installation issues


some oberservations on (de-)installing and upgrading kernels
(Debian/unstable, but valid also for stable and testing and to some
extend for other distributions):

- If needed a kernel package installation will generate and
  install a /boot/initrd.img-<kernel-version> automatically.
  However, this file is not part of package kernel-image-<version>
  and therefore it will not be removed when the kernel package is
  removed - it must be deleted manually. If you forget this a small
  /boot partition will be filled up pretty soon (2.6.x kernels have
  ~ 4MB of initrd.img on my box!). Wouldn't it be better to remove
  this initrd.img automatically while uninstalling a kernel package?

- /etc/modules.conf and /etc/modules depend on the kernel version.
  Both files are not owned by any package but it seems to me that
  they are modified by package modutils (also module-init-tools?).
  At least they have their man-pages in these packages.

  Despite their kernel dependency their filenames do not carry
  any indication of a version like, e.g., /boot/System.map-<...>
  and other files in /boot. This can be very nasty if you switch
  back and forth between 2.4 and 2.6 kernels: Modules and their
  names have changed considerably, so these files can usually not
  be used for both kernel series.

  At least for /etc/modules it would be cleaner to have multiple
  files with their names indicating the corresponding kernel
  version - I would even like to see them in the /boot directory
  instead of /etc.

  Similarly for /etc/modules.conf: Although, I do not know enough
  about the changes from 2.4 to 2.6 where for the latter there is
  a new modprobe.conf file or a modprobe.d directory. Do these
  new file/directory interfere with an old modules.conf?

  Nevertheless, if you want to boot different kernels with
  different modules some versioning of mod(ules|probe).(conf|d)
  would be helpful. (A nice hack in this direction can be found in
  http://www.dhaller.de/linux/multikernel.html (in German - sorry).

Any objections, agreements, comments?


Rudolf Lohner  -  Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)
Rechenzentrum,  Zirkel 2,   D-76128 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-721-608-6958,   Fax: +49-721-32550
E-Mail:     Rudolf.Lohner@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de

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