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Re: CUPS printing problems in Sarge

On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 02:16:11AM -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
> Hi All,
> I remember seeing several messages in recent months about being able to
> print test pages and nothing else when using CUPS. I have not been able
> to locate them. I am running Sarge with kernel 2.6.6 and cups
> 1.1.2final+cvs20040330-3. Basically if I try to print anything I get
> hundreds of sheets ranging from blank to covered with gibberish. Test
> pages work just fine though. Ideas?

Very similar problem I have in woody -- it worked when I installed
it, but after a reboot never again.  It accepts jobs for printing,
it queues them, it prints them, it marks them as printed, but somehow
it fails to inform the printer and nothing appears on paper.

Maybe this is relevant, or maybe I should be posting it on a different list?

-- hendrik

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