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Installation: Unable to mount CD-Rom


I am currently trying to install Debian-Testing (sarge) on an older
System; I downloaded the first CD-Image, burned it, booted it, all went

Then the system tries to load several kernel-modules from the CD, and
fails to mount it (telling me that the drive might be empty, and if I
want to retry or not). I switched to another console and tried a manual
"mount", but it failed too (it gives up after several "Mounting as
read-only" messages).

When I try to install woody (3.0) all goes fine, while knoppix fails to
boot ("unable to access boot-device" or sth.).

So, what can I do? It seems to me that 2.4. doesn't provide the drivers
required to mount my CD-Rom. I think it's an old SAMSUNG but I'm not
sure. Is there another way, like copying all files from the CD to the
HDD, to avoid CD-usage during installation?

Thanks a Lot

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