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tried to install sarge tonight, but failed

So I got a shiny new thinkpad X31.  Decided to do a netinstall, it has no 
media so short of removing the harddrive there wasn't much of a choice.

Grabbed the netboot image and vmlinuz, setup a tftp on my dhcp server and 
started things up.

1) cool, parted is included so I could repartition the Windows piece.  Yeah, I 
kept a 5gb Win drive around just in case.  Seems you need Windows to update 
the BIOS and the like.  Oh well.  The repartitioning failed the first time, I 
went into Windows and ran defrag.  Worked fine the next time.

2) slight bit of UI complaints.

a. The section where you partition and format the disc works well but when you 
finish with all of the partitions it takes you back to the disk detection 
page.  Having used the old installer for a long time it felt like the install 
had futzed.  Then I noticed the "finish" option.  I understand that the 
intent is for the user to be able to partition multiple disks, but perhaps 
something could be done here?

b. Between me selecting "yes detroy my disks" and the next screen there was a 
long -- around a 90 seconds -- pause.  If it was not for the disk noice I 
might have thought the install had locked up on me.

3) so install proceeds along and then dies )-:  I get an error 127 and so I 
flip over to vt2.  I see 'sleep command not found' and 6 packages which 
failed to install.  The root seems to be libgcrypt7 which was not downloaded, 
but a different version of libgcrypt was (1.11 or somesuch).  This led to:


all failing.  So, I am now going to try an install for unstable.

Thanks Joe Nahmias for getting me rolling.

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