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Re: X screen shifts right !!.

Dave Restall - System Administrator wrote:

I'm having an irritating problem with Debian 3.0 on Intel.  I'm using
olvwm on top of XFree86 Version  (it is over 12 months old).
Hardware is on board Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/i1 (rev 0).

Machine runs fine, just a standard install, nothing special.  However
from time to time (and I suspect it's xscreensaver related) I am unable
to move the mouse cursor to the far left of the screen (about 5%), I can
move it to the far right, in fact it goes off the edge of the visible
area.  Top to bottom is all fine.  I have tried resetting olvwm from
inside the system but the only certain way to cure the problem is to
close X _AND_ reset the box.  If you don't reset, the problem is still
apparent when you reload olvwm.  I have worked through the problem,
simply by moving the mouse cursor to the right of what I want to select
and clicking.  If I am lucky and manage to catch the keyboard/mouse at
the right time (I think this is when xscreensaver is just about to start
a new sequence) then the cursor reverts back to its normal operation.

The best way I can think of the problem is that the 'virtual' screen has
been offset to the right of the physical screen by about 5%.  Everything
else remains the same, none of the applications move.

Has anybody else seen this ?  I've stfw and can't find anything.
Unfortunately, the problem is not easily repeatable.

P.S. This is not an April Fool's message :-)


Dave Restall
mail/debian/user-2003-04-01.tx                 debian-user,debian-testing
| Dave Restall,       IIRC Limited, PO Box 46, Skelton, Cleveland, TS12 2GT. |
| Tel. +44 (0) 1287 639309 Mob. +44 (0) 7973 831245 Fax. +44 (0) 1287 635955 |
| email : dave@iirc.net       dave@restall.net     Web : http://www.iirc.net |
| I tried the clone syscall on me, but it didn't work.                       |
|     -- Mike Neuffer trying to fix a serious time problem                   |


I can only confirm that I too used to get this very same problem on my old work machine... Never was able to work out what was wrong, it was crazy cos it would sometimes do and then it would come back to normal. There were no screensavers being used and it would happen while i was using the machine with no reason for it changing.


Organ Grinder

|   .~.                                       |
|   /V\     L I N U X - Debian                |
|  // \\    The force is strong in this one   |
| /(   )\                                     |
|  ^^-^^                                      |

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