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Re: Why so many packages "held back"?

hi folx,

On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 09:04:19 +0100
"demslh" <demslh@slh.f2s.com> wrote:

> > Doing "apt-get -u upgrade" currently tells me that 88 packages are held
> > back (am tracking unstable).  What is the rationale for this and why so
> > many packages?
> try doing "apt-get -u dist-upgrade"
> upgrade just upgrades the pacages that are installed, dist-upgrade will
> install any new packages that are needed by the packages that are being
> held back.

since you run unstable it's probably because one or more packages have not been
uploaded yet or the versions of these packacges are incompatible with the
packages held back (at least it's what i think could be the problem). on my
machine apt holds back 12 packages because libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.1.2) and libvorbis0
(>= 1.0rc3-1) are not availabe/compatible.

try installing some of the packages held back. it might give you some more info
why the package is held back.

anyway, i'm no apt guru and my considerstions may just be plain wrong.

f. soul

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