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Bug#204299: installation-reports: Installation report, 5 Aug 2003

ons 2003-08-06 klockan 03.54 skrev David Z Maze:
> http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/netinst/i386/sarge-i386-netinst.iso

> Initial attempt was a network install, which threw me into the text-mode
> interface.  Notes:

What do you mean "network install"? Did you explicitly pick 'net' as
boot image? If so, congratulations, you downloaded a many MB size CD and
used 1.44MB of it. Oh, and that 1.44MB image is most likely hideously
out of date as well, since we haven't managed to fit the net install
onto a single floppy for ages.

> -- I know which mirror I want (debian.lcs.mit.edu); "enter a custom
>    mirror" should be an earlier option, rather than forcing me to page
>    through the list of mirrors.

Maybe we could make it the first choice in the list instead of the last?

> -- Maybe add an option for "do you want extra d-i modules"?  It should
>    be clearer when you need any of these.

What does this refer to? The "Load installer modules" item? What
priority did you run at?

> -- devfs partition names in fdisk might be unfamiliar to users, and
>    they're long.  I don't know if there's a good way around this beyond
>    not using devfs.

Well, non-devfs names will be unfamiliar to other users. Neither is nice
to present.

> -- "Configure and Mount Partitions" option can't find my partitioned
>    filesystems, even though I can successfully mount them from the
>    Alt-F2 shell prompt.  No interesting log output, just "Menu item
>    'partconf' selected", "Configuring 'partconf' failed with error code
>    256".  I wasn't able to debug this further, mostly because I couldn't
>    find what cause partconf to run.  (A little familiarity with how
>    d-i runs might have helped; it doesn't help that all of the maintainer
>    scripts and so on are binaries, but this is an installer, not a live
>    system.)  I proceeded by using the "mount/unmount a partition (OLD)"
>    option.

That's odd. Well, you're most likely using an ancient version, but I
don't know which one. :-/

Oh, and partconf *is* the "Configure and Mount Partitions" menu item.

> Starting over with not-net-install:

And this means what? Using the default boot image?

> -- "Error running kbd-chooser: An error or warning message was logged
>    while running kbd-chooser: Segmentation fault kbd-chooser's
>    postinst exited with status 35584"

Can't help you there... Check kbd-chooser bugs and talk to Alastair

> -- The network driver autodetect does work this time.

Could be because it's not an ancient version. ;)

> -- Failure to 'modprobe floppy' is a dialog-warning error, but my laptop
>    legitimately doesn't have a floppy drive.

Yeah, this is an issue with hw-detect, it's kinda hard to know which
module loading failures are errors and which are not...

> -- "Execute a shell" option from the menu hangs.

Hmm, we've seen this one before, but I don't remember in which

> -- "Install a kernel" tries to install the base system, too, which might
>    be undesirable.

Well, installing the kernel depends on installing the base system, and
dependencies are resolved, that's why.

> -- For that matter, there's no kernel-image-*.deb on the CD at all.

Um. That's strange. There was when last I looked.

Thanks for the report.

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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