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Re: kde3 for sarge

On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 00:21, Nicolas Velasquez wrote:
> Hey, 
> I was just wondering is kde3 too far from sarge, are there some time 
> estimations???
> I read that it is due a problem with glibc....but I didn't find whats wrong 
> with glibc.
> Thanx, 
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My understanding is that part of the problem leans more to glibc not
prorperly building or testing on one of the supported processors other
than i386, SPARC or PowerPC. One Debian Developer recently put an
estimate, based on the progress he has seen, of maybe two weeks and it
will be there on all platforms, meaning it can move to Sarge.

That said, there is more to KDE 3.1 moving than just glibc - many
significant packages aren't yet ported, and I'm not certain if what is
there is built on all platforms yet. As the KDE 2.2 packages are
apparently not compatible (likely more of a matter of various libraries
not being quite compatible) with KDE 3.1, it is necessary to have all of
the core ready before it is going to move to Sarge.

With all of that, I wonder how close a typical Debian GNU/Linux
installation (with Debian Installer) would compare in functionality to a
typically fully bundled new PC from a typical computer vendor. I haven't
pushed the full range of KDE functionality, but from a Gnome 2.2
perspective, I'd be tempted to say that maybe 85-90% is completely
there, and another 5-10% is mostly there. The BSoD is only in the
screensavers, though.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
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