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Help needed testing possible bug in kghostview

Hi everyone,

I am using testing with kernel 2.4.19-686. I have noticed that the postscript 
output from gnuplot is not rendered properly with kghostview, so that graphs 
appear too large, and often half off the page.  When the same graphs are 
viewed with ghostview, they look fine. I have attached a demonstration eps 
file, for which this happens. It was generated in the following way:

gnuplot> set output "cos-sin.eps"
gnuplot> set terminal postscript eps
Terminal type set to 'postscript'
Options are 'eps noenhanced monochrome dashed defaultplex "Helvetica" 14'
gnuplot> plot sin(x),cos(x)

Can someone tell me whether this also happens on their testing system, so 
that I can file a bug against kghostview. Is this list the place to ask this 
question? Could this be a set-up problem on my system?

Thanks in advance for any help,


William Reece

Attachment: cos-sin.eps
Description: PostScript document

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