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Re: CVS-Server (pserver) installation broken/incomplete?

Karl Voit (Karl.Voit@gmx.at) wrote:

> after:
> vk@lisa:~$ cvs login
> Logging in to :pserver:vk@localhost:2401/home/cvs/
> CVS password: 
> cvs [login aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer
> vk@lisa:~$
> So where's my problem?

OK, 'localhost' in /etc/hosts.allow doesn't seem to be translated into *g*
> And: I noticed, that there is no user or group added on my system too. Is
> that intended?
> If no, why can't dpkg do this for me?
> If yes, what user/group should the repository belong to?
> At the moment, $CVSROOT belongs to vk/users but I also tried root/root.

This problem is still not solved:

vk@lisa:~$ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:vk@localhost:2401/home/cvs/
CVS password:
/home/cvs/: no such repository
vk@lisa:~$ l /home/cvs/
total 12
drwxr-sr-x    3 vk       users        4096 2002-11-12 21:38 .
drwxrwsr-x   15 root     users        4096 2002-11-12 00:13 ..
drwxrwsr-x    3 vk       users        4096 2002-11-12 21:38 CVSROOT


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