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Re: woody upgrade fails horribly

Joy, could you put some docs for the "clone" command up on the BTS
web page? See below for the description

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 10:01:27PM -0500, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> As always, YMMV, and testing is the right place to report failures before
> filing bug reports. 

I've been thinking that maybe we should be a little more careful with
the reports even before its been analysed to the point where we can file
bugs against the appropriate packages.

In that vein, there are two new pseudo-packages in the bug tracking system,
with the maintainer set to this list:


The theory is that when you do an install or an upgrade of the testing
distro you should write a little report and send it to the bug tracking
system. Once that's happened, people can help you analyse what packages
are causing the bugs you've experienced, and file bugs against the
correct packages.

This latter part is (hopefully) made slightly easier by the new "clone"
command, which lets you duplicate a bug and then reassign/retitle the
new bug however you might want [0]. In theory, a user should be able
to file an install report to the BTS, which can then be followed up on
by a developer with a message to the bug number and control@bugs.d.o
cloning and reassigning the bug to some/most/all of the packages that
had problems during the install, along with enough analysis that the
maintainers shouldn't need to get back to the original user.


[0] clone bugnumber [newids...]

    The clone control command allows you to duplicate a bug report. It is
    useful in the case where as single report actually indicates multiple
    distinct bugs have occured. Newids are negative numbers, separated by
    spaces, which may be used in subsequent control commands to refer to
    the newly duplicated bugs. A new report is generated for each newid.

    Example usage:

	clone 12345 -1 -2
	reassign -1 foo
	retitle -1 foo: foo sucks
	reassign -2 bar
	retitle -2 bar: bar sucks when used with foo
	severity -2 wishlist
	clone 123456 -2
	reassign -2 foo
	retitle -2 foo: foo sucks
	merge -1 -2

Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
We came. We Saw. We Conferenced. http://linux.conf.au/

  ``Debian: giving you the power to shoot yourself in each 
       toe individually.'' -- with kudos to Greg Lehey

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