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Bug#172247: installation-reports: Selecting netcfg-dhcp should automatically select pump-udeb

sön 2002-12-08 klockan 20.27 skrev Daniel Burrows:
> Initial boot worked:    [X]
> Configure network HW:   [ ]
> Config network:         [ ]
> Detect CD:              [X]
> Load installer modules: [X]
> Detect hard drives:     [ ]
> Partition hard drives:  [ ]
> Create file systems:    [ ]
> Mount partitions:       [ ]
> Install base system:    [ ]
> Install boot loader:    [ ]
> Reboot:                 [ ]
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Which one of [O] and [E] is [X]? ;)

> Comments/Problems:
>   There is clearly a dependency structure between the options presented at
> the "Load Installer Modules" step.  The user shouldn't have to infer it
> beforehand; if an option is selected, its dependencies should also be
> selected.
>   For instance: if the user selects option 2,
> "Configure the network via DHCP", the following message appears:
>   "No dhcp client found.  I cannot continue.  This package requires
>    pump or dhcp-client"
>   The program should have automatically installed option 8, "Simple
> DHCP/BOOTP client for debian-installer".

The problem is that the Depends line for netcfg-dhcp looks like this:

Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, cdebconf-udeb, dhcp-client-udeb | pump-udeb

and anna doesn't handle parallel choices. netcfg is undergoing changes
right now, but I think this could be fixed by depending on a virtual
package that e.g. pump-udeb provides.


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