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Re: Sarge

On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 11:19, Claudio wrote:
> Thank you for your answer but i want to improve my knowledge, so i think 
> that will be very instructive to work with the testing distribution.
> 		Regards
> 			Claudio

Install Woody and then upgrade to Testing.  

Sarge is beyond Testing and not a good place to be without being
familiar with the system.  While Woody is the current Stable release,
Testing is fairly stable while not being frozen so new packages are
entered into it.

If you want some adventure, Testing will get it for you since it is
still changing as updates are made to existing packages and new ones
added that have passed the raw development stages.

Just my opinion, but I think Testing makes a great desktop :)

> -- 
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Wolftales			                                       ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      :
:' :

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