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Re: Sarge

Claudio wrote:
> Excuse me, for my total ignorance, but i really don't know how to do
> resolve this problem:
> i download the Sarge, all 9 cd, but i can't install it.
> I don't understand if this distribution is bootable, in first. Then, when i
> try to install it using "dselect" of the Potato, i recive an error (100,
> internal error).
> Please could you give an answer?
> Could i use the boot from the diskettes?

I don't know whether or not sarge CDs are bootable (in fact, I would
not be surprised if they are not), but my advice for you hasn't
changed: You should use woody, which is the stable distribution.

The recommended method to install sarge, if you insist, is to install
woody and then upgrade to sarge by using APT.

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