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Re: locales/glibc dependency problem


However, there is no glibc package, and in the packages search results (http://packages.debian.org/testing/base/locales.html) the locales package is shown to be dependent on libc6.

At the moment I'm having to force dpkg to install this, and also the JDK from Blackdown, which depends on it.

My /etc/apt/sources.list contains these lines:

deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US main contrib non-free

Then you shouldn't be getting locales 2.2.5-6, which is stable's

... he says, lying. It's also testing's version.

You should just be able to install libc6 2.2.5-6.

I've used the security updates for testing, which I've now commented out when I started getting these problems:

#deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free

But it seems that the version of libc6 installed is "2.2.5-9.woody.3" which provides glibc version 2.2.5-9. The locales package depends on exactly version 2.2.5-6 of glibc.

I've got a woody server, this has libc6 2.2.5-11, I wonder why the testing one is an earlier version. Should I be using the security updates for testing, or are these no longer updated since woody became stable?



|   Erik Erskine                                                     |
|   Sundayta Ltd                                                     |

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