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Re: Potato to Woody dist-upgrade problems

tytso@thunk.org said:
> Um.... if a user needs to do the above to get X working on their
> system after taking a working Potato system, and upgrading to Woody,
> then Debian is completely useless for the naive user, and there's no
> way I can recommend that Debian is ready for anyone other than an
> expert.   

I would agree, except that woody is not an official release yet. The purpose 
of this mailing list is (amongst other things) to find bugs that prevent a 
smooth upgrade.

So, if you have a "naive user", then please recommend him potato. If the naive 
user wants all the flashy new tools, or is a computer newbie then recommend 
him Mandrake, or at least to wait for the OFFICIAL release of Woody.

That said, Debian still largely misses automatic hardware detection, an easy 
to use configuration system, and consistent and comprehensive documentation. 
The documentation is there of course, but it is naturally unacceptable to ask 
a new user: "well - did you read all the HOWTOs and FAQ's?". They are too 
voluminous and often do not even apply to Debian, but to some other Linux 

- Josef

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