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Re: Potato to Woody dist-upgrade problems

> Previously Dale Scheetz wrote:
> > My current question is: How much of this is going to be fixed in the final
> > release, and how much should I discuss in my book?
> Tell people to upgrade using dselect with the apt method and I bet
> things will be a lot more smooth.
> Wichert.

I just upgraded my potato box to woody using dselect with apt and the only
problems I had were with asclock-themes and kde-base.  They both were
trying to write files that were in other packages.  I manually installed
those 2 with --force-overwrite.  Everything else went fine.

Please let me know if you all would like more info.


Matthew Thompson       http://mattyt.net
mattyt@oz.net          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
"The tango, danced correctly, is so sexy that you
ought to get married afterwards." -Robert A. Heinlein

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