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Re: galeon and mozilla show pages only partly

On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 02:24:02PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Nils Rennebarth wrote:
> >After a dist-upgrade to unstable and mozilla-0.9.7-4, galeon and mozilla
> >render pages only partly. What's wrong?
> >
> I'm running woody, but wanted 0.9.7 so grabbed it from sid.  As far as I 
> can tell so far, it works.
> Can you give the url of a site that doesn't work?
No site worked. Until a reboot that is.

Very strange. I did shut down X but this didn't clear the bug.
Anyway it works now. Hrrm.


Global Village Sau  ==>        ^..^ |/¯¯¯¯¯
(Kann Fremdsprache) ==>        (oo)

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