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Re: turn off gnome

On 29 Sep 2001, Rich Rudnick wrote:

> echo fvwm2 > ~/.xinitrc
> echo fvwm2 > ~/.xsession
> however you start x, only fvwm2 will start.

If that's *all* you do, and you're running the GNOME Display Manager
(gdm), it'll still start gnome-session. :)

When the GDM prompt comes up asking for a user name and password, there
should be a menu allowing you to choose which session type you would like
to use (Debian, XSession, GNOME, etc.). Choose XSession and *then* it will
use the ~/.xsession file, at least for this one user.

Of course, if one runs the Debian box (which is probably the case if one
is on this list), and one really despised all that is GNOME for some
reason, one might want to uninstall all GNOME stuff, including gdm, and
install xdm instead, which always does the xsession stuff:

	apt-get --purge remove \
	`dpkg --get-selections | grep 'gnome\|gdm' | awk '{print $1}'`

	apt-get install xdm

I don't know if I'd want to do this under X, if I were running GNOME at
the time.

(Disclosure: I happen to run GNOME myself, if that stays flames on my

Best of luck to ye.

- Shane

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