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Sid's CSound. One minor result...

Csound-dev tries to install the copyright file on top of the one
installed already by csound and fails.

I think the copyright file should be removed (since csound-dev depends
on csound anyway) or the copyright file should be renamed if it is
different (which I doubt).

Also, there are still unresolved symbols in the kernel build.  I have
the following from depmod -ae:

in irda.o and ipx.o: sk_run_filter.

Also, in nfds.o: nfsd_linkage.

Looking at the source in fs/filesystems.c, this requires
CONFIG_NFSD_MODULE to be defined, but it is!! (using make xconfig -- at
least, nfsd support is set to modular).

This is from kernel 2.4.0-1.  I don't understand what's going on here.
I need irda at least; the other two I can live without, if I have to
(but don't you just hate it when it doesn't work? Might as well have
left Windows on the machine 8-)

DHCP working now: strange bug in solaris machine at the other end not
yet traced.  Possibly just no available IP numbers misreported as
"unknown host (EA=..:..:..:..:..:..)"  APM crashes avoided with cardctl
eject and insert at appropriate places.

All the best,


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