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Re: bugs + rant + constructive criticism (long)

On Mon, Jan 01, 2001 at 11:06:18PM -0800, Erik Hollensbe wrote:
> And why are packages being REMOVED (lib-pg-perl for example) when I dist
> upgrade?

Because thats what dist- stands for. If you dont want to remove conflicting
or sperseeded packages, then dont use dist-upgrade but upgrade.

> apt-get and it's kin need more simple getopt-style flags that allow
> overriding of certain things, mainly conflicts. Also, an option to
> actually view what's being upgraded before you download 250 packages that
> are only going to break your system would be nice as well.

you mean -u?

i use "apt-get -ufm". 

But I agree whith you, that essential packages like perl should be checked a
bit more before they shoot you in the foot, but those days are gone! since
they wont pass unstable->testing anymore. So, just dont run 'sid' but woody
and you are fine.

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wendelinusstrasse39.76646Bruchsal.de --
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