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Re: postgresql packages for potato

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:

> Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
>   >"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
>   >
>   >> I have prepared packages of postgresql-6.5.3-19 and postgresql-slink-6.3.2
>   >> which may be found at <http://www.debian.org/~elphick/postgresql/>.

> One problem you will need to fix before running postgresql-dump is that you
> need to do `chown postgres.postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/dumpall'.  As
> installed, it is owned by root, and postgresql-dump tires to create a file
> in it.

$ postgresql-dump -t db.out -cilfdp $PGDATA/../data.save
db.out is or is under PGDATA. It will be destroyed when PGDATA is cleared.
Specify a different path.

#### So you can't follow the instructions in README.Debian.migration.gz
#### too literally...

$ echo $PGDATA
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ postgresql-dump -t db.out -cilfdp data.save
The PostgreSQL data directory, /var/lib/postgres/data, and the dump file are missing.

Please check the settings in /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init

#### Modify postmaster.init to set POSTGRES_DATA=/var/postgres/data

$ postgresql-dump -t db.out -cilfdp data.save
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-dump: kill: (11448) - Not owner

#### Hmm... What's up with that?  pid 11448 was my xemacs session
#### editing postmaster.init. Odd, but terminating that let's me
#### continue...

$ postgresql-dump -t db.out -cilfdp data.save
Connection to database 'template1' failed.
PQexec() -- There is no connection to the backend.

pg_encoding: encoding_name | encoding_number
$ ls
data  db.out

#### I do now have a db.out, but it doesn't seem like things have
#### terminated properly.  If there's supposed to be a connection to
#### the backend, I would have thought that postgresql-dump would have
#### started it, since I hadn't yet turned it on.  Moreover, turning
#### it on _before_ dumping the database doesn't work properly.

I'm afraid I've got to go, so I don't have time right this second to
finish looking at this.  I'll take another look at the end of the day.


(The above is based on postgresql_6.5.2-19.)

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