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Upgrade from Slink

I run a server at mattyt.net (wu-ftp, apache, sendmail, samba, netatalk)
and recently ugraded from 2.1 to 2.2.  I do not run any XFree on it,
console only.  I don't even have a monitor or keyboard hooked up, just ssh
access.  The name of the server on the LAN is doma.

The upgrade, using dselect, proceeded without issue.  I had to restart
some services, but everything works fine except for one thing:  my Win98
box, named igra on the LAN (just gotta play Descent 3 :) no longer will
connect to doma via Samba.  doma shows up in the Network Neighborhood, and
I am able to connect to doma every other way (I am sending this email via
an ssh session).  However, when I click on the doma icon, I can hear
doma's hard drive crunch for a second, then I get the error "\\Doma is
not accessible.  This device does not exist on the network."  I have
restarted samba and restarted my Win98 box a couple of times each, to no
avail.  A copy of my smb.conf file is here:


Please let me know if I can provide further info.  TIA for any assistance.

Cheers............ :)

Matthew Thompson       http://mattyt.net
mattyt@oz.net          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

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