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Re: X11 install experiences

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Branden Robinson wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 01:29:20PM +0000, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> > Understood. Since they work fine when invoked outside base-config it is
> > base-config that is flawed.
> Please let joeyh know.


> > > >    2. After installing xf86setup, XF86Setup refused to run because there
> > > >       was no VGA16 server. The Depends line says: xserver-vga16 | xserver.
> > > >       This should be reduced to xserver-vga16.
> > > 
> > > No, it shouldn't.  I have to keep fighting people on this.  See the
> > > xf86setup package description.
> > 
> > A package description can not provide proper dependency information to apt
> > or dselect. I understand that you can't decide which desire is in the
> > heart of the installer at the time of installation, but seriously, a
> > restrictive depends seems better for the new user making a new
> > installation and can be overridden by the experienced user who just
> > doesn't want to have the vga16 server installed.
> It's a judgement call.  Therefore I am exercising my judgement.
Dependencies have clear specifications.

> Also influencing my decision is the fact that, while XF86Setup is a nicer
> looking program, xf86config actually does a better job of generating config
> files.

Not when it inserts /dev/mouse for my specification of /dev/ttyS0.

> Both are a long way from perfect, however.

Aren't we all

> > In the new installation situation I can't run XF86Setup because a
> > dependency was not required when the package installed. 
> Like I said, I will rectify that with the next version of
> task-x-window-system.
> > > However, I should add xserver-vga16 to the core task package for arches
> > > that use xf86setup.  Will do.
> > 
> > While I agree that this solves my problem, how does it solve the multiple
> > use problem you claim to be resolving by not putting the dependency in the
> > dependent package? There is nothing wrong with using the dependency
> > mechanism in the way that it was designed, is there?
> Yes, there is.  

And just what is it? The following has nothing to do with keeping the
VGA16 server off machines that don't need it for a re-configure. If you
include it in common then it gets installed.

> For one thing, XF86Setup does not "depend" on the VGA16
> server specifically, using the packaging manual's definition of "depend".
It refuses to run unless the vga16 server is installed! I'd call that a
strict definition of depends! It refuses to run even when there is another
server installed and that server is set as the default. I can only assume
that it _will_ run if I have a config file. Seems the easier thing to do
is make an initial install into a re-configure by providing a "default"
XF86Config file and "modifying" it to suit the new install.

You seem focused on the act of using this "setup" program to re-configure
a server, which is very nice, but not the principle use as described by
the package name. This program _is_ expected to work under setup

> Furthermore, users can no longer really use --force-depends with dpkg
> anymore.  apt will complain and refuse to function.

Great! Just what I need, less control over my system ;-(


_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

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      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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