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Insufficient documentation for configuring a ethernet device & /etc/network/interfaces


Long time back I had tried Debian 2.0, then for many reasons I switched to
Redhat and Last friday I thought of trying the Debian 2.2 potato(unofficial). So
using rsync I downloaded the 1st of the 4 Binary CD images.

After installing the Debian on my system (actualy within a VMware virtual disk)
I found that the network card wasn't configured. I couldn't find any network
configuration utility for ethernet cards (I found pppconfig, xxx..config but no

Also on checking the installation guide I found that there was no useful detail
in the Networking->Ethernet  section. All it says is "during installation
itself one should have got the ethernet configured. However if one wants to get
their hands wet then look at /etc/network/*, ....".

Next I looked into /etc/network/interfaces and found entry for loopback. There
was no manpage for interfaces. Next looking into the syntax for the loopback
interface and also looking at the manpages for ifup(down) and some trail error
I came up with the configuration required for eth0. 

This is fine for me but I think for the new linux users and also the desktop
users this may be a hell lot of work and frustration (even I felt it when I
couldn't get a proper documentation on the structure of interfaces file).

So I request you to please update the Installation documentation for
configuring ethernet devices & or provide a manpage for the interfaces file.

NOTE: Please forgive me if this is already available as part of the remaining 3
CDs in the 4 CD binary set, because as of now I have only got the 1st of the
CDs and am in the process of downloading the remaining 3. However I felt that
the installation documentation should have been bit more elaborate rather than
just telling that setup takes care of it and pointing to the files.

ALSO If you all are busy with the release schedule for 2.2 then if possible
and if you people don't mind I can try writing a small text file on seting the
ethernet thing up in a debian system, which you people can correct for errors
and update the Installation document or so.

Keep :-)

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