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Potato CD Testing (Aigarius, 17-Jan-2000)

Hi all.

So I have received my Potato cd's. I made few installs with them and now
I wanted to share my first opinions/bug reports. 

Note: the CD I have were made 17-Jan-2000, so some bugs might be already

First thing I noted was that when making the boot floppy I wasn't asked
for the floppy device. It's a small detail, but it might be needed

Next LILO wasn't put on the MBR of the first hard drive, so I needed to
boot from the floppy.

Then came the dselect. I chose to install from cdrom. Here was the first
important bug:
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt did not exist which made the mounting the
cdrom there impossible.
Fixed by making that directory.

And then came the main problem:
It seams that perl-5.005 does not Provide perl, all packages depending
on perl showed up as packages with broken depends.
I worked this around by also installing perl-5.004
( strange )

Later, when trying multicd install it appeared that 
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/availible (file) also was not there.
Fixed by touching the file.

One already reported problem :
Clock is set to GMT regales of what is said while installing.

Two broken packages:
/usr/lib/games/gnuchess/gnuchess.data was not present.
Fixed by making the dir and touching the file.
Broken post install script.
dpkg couldn't execute it.

Also it looked strange that 8 packages were broken before the first
dselect run. (libreadlineg2, modutils, ncurses-bin, procps, setserial,
lilo, ftp, modconf)

The CD arrived yesterday so this is just the first look.
The Testing still to come.

P.S. Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.
P.S.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Mail You Later,

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