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Re: Compaq Deskpro XL5133

Adam Di Carlo scripsit:
|Hmm?  Is this something we should be doing from dbootstrap, i.e.,
|after prompting if the MBR should be removed?  Or just added to the
|documentation?  What problem did this fix?

Perhaps we should.  I don't want to force anyone's hand here (the last
time I tried was on the xterm issue and I was badly scorched by the
flames) but it is the second time I have had to do this.  Another time
a friend of mine had an identical problem with LILO and he had to use
the same "wipe and reload" trick.

It fixes the problem whereby after installing Debian 2.1 on a 1Gb disk
and setting it up to boot from the hard-disk it doesn't boot and comes
up with the MBR prompt.  Nuking MBR with the 'dd' trick solves the

It might be sufficient to add it to the "troubleshooting" section of
the installation manual.  It seems to be linked with the latest
version of LILO,  another friend of mine also upgraded and complained
bitterly to me about LILO being screwed.  Of course it wasn't quite
LILO but just the boot sector but I have to mention that it had never
happened to me before so perhaps there is something curious with the
latest LILO and MBR.

|Ugh -- I had a qvision aka AVGA I think which used to run with old 2.x
|XFree but was dropped later.  I suggest you invest the $40 in a new
|video card.  What can I say -- proprietary, unsupported hardware...

Oh the box is only sitting there numbercrunching, no need to spend
money on it :-)

|What someone needs to do is take the stock kernel images, and mess
|around with the config until they can get a kernel which is bootable.
|Replacing the kernel on the rescue disk is pretty easy.

I sent Dale a list of boxes I have available for testing.  I am
willing to reboot all of the non-production ones with bootdisks given
enough time (i.e. about a week since they are not all in the same



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