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boot floppies hang. kernel image problems

> The problem I am experiencing is with the boot floppy images on slink.
> Problem is as follows:

> On a number of systems, the bootup from the floppy images on the Slink
> 2.1 CD(original CD, r0) will hang because of the auto-probe by the
> WD-7000.  The system contains a single Adaptec 2940UW SCSI controller,
> which is detected.  BUT, prior to SCSI device detection, the WD-7000
> code tries to auto-probe the hardware, and cold-locks the system.  I
> have heard of similar problems from friends.  Now, I need the Adaptec
> support because this is a SCSI only system, but I can't use Debian at
> ALL on certain motherboards because of the WD-7000 probe.  Now, I see
> three possible ways of solving this problem.  1) remove the WD7000
> from the base kernel, and make it a module.  2) change the code so
> modules can be loaded or removed without needing to set up a root
> partition.  3) try going to a 2.2 kernel on the base floppies, and
> hope that the auto-probe doesn't lock up the systems.

> If the kernel had a way to disable the WD-7000 probe through a kernel
> option, that would also solve the problem I am encountering.  I have
> removed the Adaptec from the system, and I don't experience the
> problem, so it APPEARS that the WD7000 code is hitting the 2940 and
> locking the system.  I don't know why, and it doesn't happen on MOST
> of the systems I run.  Perhaps it's a BIOS issue, perhaps not, but who
> uses a WD7000 SCSI controller?

David, this is a slight variation on known bug with the kernels which
ship with slink.

I've been trying to motivate people to fix these problems but we don't
seem to have many testers available.  If you are willing to test this
problem, please reply and say so (make sure to CC

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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