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Re: wdm starts up on install

On Sat, Feb 13, 1999 at 07:28:44PM -0800, brian holgate wrote:
> like xdm was doing about a week ago, wdm starts up as soon as it is
> installed.
> it is possible to ctl-alt-Fx back to the virtual terminal where apt is
> running, but it will frighten most users. 
> it needs to be fixed.

Submit a bug then; I just subscribed to this list (reasons not worth
mentioning), and noticed this by mere accident.

wdm takes care to start IFF it can start.  But I can see what you mean...

ETA for slink?  If I'm going to make _any_ change to that package, I need to
make sure it works... I have screwed up royally in the past, that package
and I don't get along very well :(


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