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PPP problems on potato

I have Debian slink (2.1) installed on my machine with no problems related to the Internet connection.
The other day I got the unstable potato release and tried to install it onto another partition of my hard drive.
Okay, the base system installation succeed. On the other hand, I wasn't able to make it connected to the ISP.

I suppose there is something wrong with the routing table. Before connecting, I typed the command 'netstat -nr'
at the prompt:

# netstat -nr

Kernel IP routing table

Destination	Gateway		Genmask	Flags	MSS	Window	irtt	Iface

I realised none line was shown in the table.

Using the older release I usually got something like:

Kernel IP routing table

Destination	Gateway		Genmask	Flags	MSS	Window	irtt	Iface		U	0	0	0	lo

Besides that  from the 'pppd' command I got the following message:


The remote system is required to authenticate itself but I
couln't find any secret (password) wich would let it use an IP address.

Afterwards I decided finally trying to connecting the modem using the 'pon' command. 
It took about 30 seconds to the connection finished suddenly.

The output from  /var/log /messages file was:

Nov 17 21:28:54 debian pppd[137]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (BUSY)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (VOICE)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: send (ATZ^M)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: expect (OK)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: ATZ^M^M
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: OK
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]:  -- got it 
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: send (ATDT58742000^M)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: expect (CONNECT)
Nov 17 21:28:55 debian chat[138]: ^M
Nov 17 21:29:13 debian chat[138]: ATDT58742000^M^M
Nov 17 21:29:13 debian chat[138]: CONNECT
Nov 17 21:29:13 debian chat[138]:  -- got it 
Nov 17 21:29:13 debian chat[138]: send (\d)
Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Serial connection established.
Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests 
Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: Connection terminated.
Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Nov 17 21:29:47 debian pppd[137]: Exit.

What do these lines mean? How can they be corrected? Did someone experience the same difficulties on potato installation?

Any help will be appreciated.



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