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One more test full install

Compaq DeskPro 4100, 32MB RAM, Cirrus Logic GD5446, installed to second
of two IDE disks. 'Standard Workstation' installation from scratch, via
apt over FTP, initial base via NFS, removed XEmacs, Emacs19 and TeX from

Install disks 2.1.8 worked perfectly!

Various small problems:

XBanner tried to grep through /usr/lib/X11/xdm-config, but xdm hadn't
been installed yet so it came up with errors.

Something unidentified complained /etc/mailcap didn't exist yet so it
couldn't configure itself.

I said Y to SVGA X server as default, but it didn't run XF86Setup - I had
to do that manually afterwards. This is an improvement on it trying to
run XF86Setup before it had been installed, but it's not ideal - maybe a
message to tell the user they'll need to run it manually after? Even
running xserver-configure manually didn't do anything - perhaps that's
the problem?

WMaker did not offer to be the default window manager. Fvwm2 did, but
although I said Y, it did not appear in /etc/X11/window-managers and
Fvwm95 won instead.

When I chose Emulate3Buttons on XF86Setup, this wasn't saved to the
config in /etc/X11/XF86Config.

After dselect had finished running, and had gone back to its main screen,
update-menus: Can't remove lockfile /var/run/update-menus.pid
appeared twice, overwriting the text on the screen.

Call me a pedant, but it still says 'Starting X font sever: xfs' on every
bootup (Bug #28907).

Also, install-docs still doesn't know about ps, info or texinfo (Bug

Otherwise, everything went successfully and I have a happily working
system. I then installed DHCP and Netscape without further problems.

Ian Redfern (redferni@logica.com).

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