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xterm and the xterm-debian question (choice not yet available?)


I thought that a while back we had settled on the idea that we would
offer the option of choosing whether xterm should advertise itself as
xterm or xterm-debian to help those of us who have to maintain rather
large heterogeneous networks with users all over the place who have no
idea of what a 'dumb terminal setting' is... (i.e. academic

I have just upgraded my laptop from 2.0 to 2.1 and the upgrade zapped
my Xresources setting for Xterm*termName (which I had unset) and
offered no option as to whether I wanted xterm or xterm-debian.

As we discussed quite hotly last time and I thought we had reached a
democratic solution could it be implemented? I also noticed that I
have to explicitly set in /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm the Xterm*termName
to xterm as it now apparently defaults to xterm-debian (or is it set

Please don't flame, we've been through this once and I think that we
had all realised that an xterm option was sane and needed. I am only
asking why it hasn't appeared yet and if there have been any changes
which we were not made aware of.

I strongly believe that the lack of choice/question makes it very hard
to upgrade Debian boxes (esp. 1.3) to 2.1 in an academic environment
(reasons for this had been debated, see archives).



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