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Re: List of bugs that *must* be fixed before releasing Slink

joey@finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE (Martin Schulze)  wrote on 19.02.99 in <[🔎] 19990219102009.B7460@finlandia.artis.uni-oldenburg.de>:

> > <dpkg-maint@chiark.greenend.org.uk>) dpkg              30090  weirdass
> > dpkg coredumps and xbase upgrade insanity [83]  (Ian Jackson and others

> Bug#30090 looks... ummh difficult to fix.  After reading the report I'm not
>           sure if it's likely to happen again when upgrading hamm -> slink.
>           It didn't happen to my upgradings but that doesn't have to mean
>           anything.

As a rule, when I do a bulk upgrade (50-150 packages), it happens to me  
around three times *during that upgrade*.

I don't know how much more release critical you can get; as far as I'm  
concerned, this one is a real show stopper.

MfG Kai

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