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Re: Documentation test

I follow the Release-notes:

The first section in Using apg-get says:

Using apt-get

     If you have not already installed apt, do so by doing, as root:

dpkg -i <cd_mount_point>/debian/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/admin/apt*.deb

It does not say anything from upgrade-i386.

Actually I downloaded 0.1.8 already, but I decided to use 0.1.9 (as mentioned 
in the release notes), because I was not sure, if the upgrade-i386 directory 
is only useful for old libc5 (bo and before) systems. The README-Upgrade says

     If your system has already been upgraded to Debian 2.0 (hamm),
you do not need to read any further.  Refer to the Release-Notes in the
top-level directory of the CD.

Why is the documentation in different directories?

Wouldn't it be more useful to have in the top-level directory a documentation 
map only, which tells me which file to read when I want to do

- a new installation
- upgrade from hamm using apt-get
- upgrade from hamm using something else
- upgrade from bo using autoup.sh (or whatever)



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