Re: Latest install report
>> "S" == Shaleh <> writes:
S> With xdm being its own package, there is no reason to install it
S> unless you want it.
I see. This is a misunderstanding on my side. My box is upgraded from
2.0, so it has xdm installed anyway. For new installations, this is no
Everything is well :-)
S> And we are trying to move away from interaction during installs, so
S> postinst printing is going to not be an option in the somewhat near
S> future.
Of cause. I read debian-admintool. The "press return to continue" type
messages are bad.
S> There is also an option file in /etc/X11 or /etc/X11/xdm that has a
S> line of start-xdm, simply removing that line will turn xdm off. No
S> need to touch the scripts.
Very nice. Like before. I assume it is turned on by default, when one
installs xdm?
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