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Re: Need "Deferred" status for bug system

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 13:05:47 -0800 (PST), brian holgate <brian@ashlu.bc.ca> said:
> The current practice of downgrading bugs in order to release leads
> to large numbers of old bugs. I never file bug reports because there
> are almost always at least 3 similar bug reports on file, all too
> often classified as Normal regardless of how disruptive they are.

I don't think anyone's ever downgraded bugs to get a release out.  We
downgrade bug severity when we feel they don't deserve the level of
importance they have been assigned (hello, Santiago!).  If you have
counter examples, please cite bug#.

I also think you're confused, since we can release at any point, at
the release manager's discretion.  We like to make sure the >=
Important bugs are closed but there's no enforcement of that.  Witness
the dpkg >= Important bugs which have been around for years; it didn't
stop hamm and it won't release slink.

I'm a bit shocked by your assertion that you never file bugs because
they're already filed.  I always check before filing to make sure that
the bug hasn't been filed already.  The only package I know of which
has almost too many bugs to even deal with is dpkg.

> It would be extremely useful if bugs could be classified "Deferred
> to potato". Everyone would then be very clear on what to expect.

False sense of security.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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