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Re: XFree86

On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 02:34:15PM +0100, Gunnar.Isaksson@saab.se wrote:
> Today I made a complete debian slink installation from scratch
> and this was a very nice experience. Everything went very well
> except for two problems with XFree86
> First of all. The package 'xdm' installs to start at boot time
> without any questions. It should ask and give an opportunity to
> say 'NO'
> Second and last. After installation, there is a syntax error in
> the file /etc/X11/Xsession at line number 47 which makes it
> impossible to start any window manager. Line 47 containes  'default) '
> and I just commented that line away and got xwindows working nicely.
> These two annoyances together made it impossible to log in from
> the console. A network login and some editing was necessary.

did the xdm make it impossible to go to a normal console ? (Ctrl-Alt-Fx ?)

i'll have to do a full install and some upgrades soon. so i'm curious.

could anybody post a summary of sources for the newes in install disks, 
XF86 packages and other packages that are still worked on? 
i wouldn't want to post bugreports for bugs that are already fixed. :)


                    Heinrich Langos <heinrich@null.net>
                pgp: "finger -l hl6@irz.inf.tu-dresden.de"
|o| The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs.      |o|
|o| It's absolutely not. It's the stupidest reason to buy a new      |o|
|o| version I ever heard.  -- Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft Corporation |o|
|o| BOYCOTT MICROSOFT: <http://www.vcnet.com/bms/>                   |o|

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