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Moving secure-testing-announce to lists.debian.org


as the effort to offer security support for Debian Testing has become 
more official than it was when it started in 2005, and to make it 
easier to find this announcement list, we have decided to move this 
list from alioth to lists.debian.org. The planned date for the switch 
is June 25th.

For you this means:

1. Subscribers of the old list will be migrated to the new list 

2. This list, secure-testing-announce@lists.alioth.debian.org will be 
renamed to debian-testing-security-announce@lists.debian.org. Mails 
to you will come from the new address.

3. The mailinglist headers will change. If you filter for headers, 
please adjust your setup accordingly. The new header will be:

List-Id: <debian-testing-security-announce.lists.debian.org>

4. The subject will no longer contain the prefix [SECURITY].

5. Mails will originate from a different server. If you had any 
special configuration (like an exception from grey-listing) for the 
old server, change this to:

	lists.debian.org a.k.a. liszt.debian.org

6. For unsubscribe instructions, look at the footer of announcements 
mails sent from the new list.

7. The list archive will move to


If you experience any problems, don't hesitate to contact us.


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