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[secure-testing-announce] [DTSA-6-1] New cgiwrap packages fix multiple vulnerabilities

Hash: SHA1

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Debian Testing Security Advisory DTSA-6-1     http://secure-testing.debian.net
secure-testing-team@lists.alioth.debian.org                      Neil McGovern
August 28th, 2005
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Package        : cgiwrap
Vulnerability  : multiple vulnerabilities
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: yes,no

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña discovered various vulnerabilities in cgiwrap:

Minimum UID does not include all system users

  The CGIwrap program will not seteuid itself to uids below the 'minimum' uid 
  to prevent scripts from being misused to compromise the system. However, 
  the Debian package sets the minimum uid to 100 when it should be 1000.

CGIs can be used to disclose system information

  The cgiwrap (and php-cgiwrap) package installs some debugging CGIs
  (actually symbolink links, which link to cgiwrap and are called 'cgiwrap'
  and 'nph-cgiwrap' or link to php-cgiwrap). These CGIs should not be
  installed in production environments as they disclose internal and
  potentially sensible information.

For the testing distribution (etch) this is fixed in version

For the unstable distribution (sid) this is fixed in version

This upgrade is encouraged if you use cgiwrap.

The Debian testing security team does not track security issues for the
stable distribution (woody). If stable is vulnerable, the Debian security
team will make an announcement once a fix is ready.

Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------

To use the Debian testing security archive, add the following lines to
your /etc/apt/sources.list:

  deb http://secure-testing.debian.net/debian-security-updates etch-proposed-updates/security-updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src http://secure-testing.debian.net/debian-security-updates etch-proposed-updates/security-updates main contrib non-free

The archive signing key can be downloaded from

To install the update, run this command as root:
If you use cgiwrap:
  apt-get update && apt-get install cgiwrap
If you use php-cgiwrap:
  apt-get update && apt-get install php-cgiwrap

For further information about the Debian testing security team, please refer
to http://secure-testing.debian.net/

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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