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Testing migration summary 2023-05-31 (Wednesday)

On 2023-05-31 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version       previous
  adduser                          3.134         3.133
  bluedevil                        4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  breeze                           4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  breeze-grub                      5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  breeze-gtk                       5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  breeze-plymouth                  5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  debian-installer-netboot-images  20230526      20230515
  drkonqi                          5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  flatpak-kcm                      5.27.5-2      5.27.2-3
  kactivitymanagerd                5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  kde-cli-tools                    4:  4:5.27.2-1
  kde-gtk-config                   4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kdecoration                      4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kdeplasma-addons                 4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kgamma5                          5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  khotkeys                         4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kinfocenter                      4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kmenuedit                        4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kpipewire                        5.27.5-3      5.27.2-1
  kscreen                          4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  kscreenlocker                    5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  ksshaskpass                      4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  ksystemstats                     5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  kwallet-pam                      5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  kwayland-integration             5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  kwin                             4:5.27.5-3    4:5.27.2-2
  kwrited                          4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  layer-shell-qt                   5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  libkscreen                       4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  libksysguard                     4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  milou                            4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  oxygen                           4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  oxygen-sounds                    4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  plasma-bigscreen                 5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-browser-integration       5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-desktop                   4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-2
  plasma-discover                  5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-disks                     5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-firewall                  5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-integration               5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-nano                      5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-nm                        4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  plasma-pa                        4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  plasma-remotecontrollers         5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-sdk                       5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-systemmonitor             5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-thunderbolt               5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-vault                     5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-welcome                   5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  plasma-workspace                 4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers      4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  plymouth-kcm                     5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  polkit-kde-agent-1               4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  powerdevil                       4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  qqc2-breeze-style                5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1
  sddm-kcm                         4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  systemsettings                   4:5.27.5-2    4:5.27.2-1
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde           5.27.5-2      5.27.2-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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