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Testing migration summary 2023-09-28 (Thursday)

On 2023-09-28 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                    version                  previous
  ableton-link                      3.1.0+dfsg-1             3.0.6+dfsg-4
  all-knowing-dns                   1.7-5                    1.7-4
  asm                               9.5-1                    9.4-1
  astap                             2022.12.09-3             2022.12.09-1
  audacious                         4.3.1-1                  4.2-1
  audacious-plugins                 4.3.1-1                  4.2-1
  drumgizmo                         0.9.20-3                 0.9.20-2
  fnott                             1.4.1+ds-1               (not in testing)
  fortran-language-server           2.13.0+dfsg.1-1          2.13.0-2
  freedombox                        23.18                    23.17
  gfsview                           20121130+dfsg-8          20121130+dfsg-7
  gnome-console                     45.0-1                   45~beta-2
  gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd   1.0.50.gc032923-4        (not in testing)
  group-service                     1.4.0-2                  1.4.0-1
  gtk4                              4.12.2+ds-1              4.12.1+ds-3
  haskell-devscripts                0.16.32                  0.16.30
  horizon-eda                       2.4.0-1.1                (not in testing)
  ifupdown-ng                       0.12.1-3                 0.11.4~rc1-1
  inn2                              2.7.2~20230917-1         2.7.2~20230806-1
  inxi                              3.3.30-1-1               3.3.29-1-1
  kmod                              30+20230601-2            30+20230601-1
  libmediainfo                      23.09+dfsg-1             23.07+dfsg-1
  libpam-mklocaluser                0.19                     0.18
  limnoria                          2023.9.24-1              2023.8.10-2
  lxappearance                      0.6.3-5                  0.6.3-3
  lxc                               1:5.0.3-1                1:5.0.2-1
  lxinput                           0.3.5-2                  0.3.5-1
  mediainfo                         23.09-1                  23.07-1
  mosquitto                         2.0.18-1                 2.0.17-3
  mtail                             3.0.0~rc52-1             3.0.0~rc50-1
  netpbm-free                       2:11.03.00-3             2:11.01.00-2
  node-ava                          5.3.1+dfsg+~cs46.3.10-2  5.1.0+dfsg+~cs44.2.10-1
  node-jsan                         3.1.14+~3.1.3-1          (not in testing)
  ocsigenserver                     5.1.0-1                  (not in testing)
  ocsipersist                       1.1.0-3                  (not in testing)
  okular                            4:23.08.1-2              4:22.12.3-1
  opendht                           3.0.0-1        
  perl-tk                           1:804.036+dfsg1-1        1:804.036-1
  php-json-schema                   5.2.13-1                 5.2.12-2
  php-zumba-json-serializer         3.2.0-1                  3.0.2-2
  pykeepass                         4.0.6-1                  4.0.3-1
  python-certifi                    2023.7.22-1              2022.9.24-1
  r-bioc-annotate                   1.78.0+dfsg-1            (not in testing)
  r-bioc-annotationdbi              1.62.2-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-annotationhub              3.8.0+dfsg-1             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-biomart                    2.56.1+dfsg-1            (not in testing)
  r-bioc-deseq                      1.39.0-12                (not in testing)
  r-bioc-experimenthub              2.8.1+ds-1               (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genefilter                 1.82.1-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-geneplotter                1.78.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-go.db                      3.17.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-gosemsim                   2.26.1-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-gseabase                   1.62.0+ds-1              (not in testing)
  r-bioc-gsva                       1.48.3+ds-1              (not in testing)
  r-bioc-keggrest                   1.40.0+dfsg-3            (not in testing)
  r-bioc-nanostringqcpro            1.32.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-netsam                     1.40.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-org.hs.eg.db               3.17.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rcpi                       1.36.1+ds-1              (not in testing)
  r-bioc-sva                        3.48.0-1                 (not in testing)
  r-cran-wgcna                      1.72-1-1                 (not in testing)
  rocsolver                         5.5.1-3                  (not in testing)
  rt-extension-elapsedbusinesstime  0.05-6                   0.05-5
  ruby-font-awesome-rails                 (not in testing)
  ruby-guard                        2.18.1-2                 2.18.1-1
  rust-blake2                       0.10.6-2                 (not in testing)
  rust-btoi                         0.4.3-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-cargo-mutants                23.6.0-2                 (not in testing)
  rust-cc                           1.0.83-1                 1.0.73-1
  rust-compound-duration            1.2.1-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-cp-r                         0.5.1-2                  (not in testing)
  rust-faster-hex                   0.8.1-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-gix-trace                    0.1.3-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-io-close                     0.3.7-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-multihash-derive             0.9.0-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-pcap-file                    2.0.0-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-pyproject-toml               0.7.0-1                  0.6.1-1
  rust-rowan                        0.15.11-2                0.15.11-1
  rust-salsa-macros                 0.17.0~pre.2-1           (not in testing)
  rust-timsort                      0.1.2-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-tokio-socks                  0.5.1-1                  (not in testing)
  rust-trivialdb                    0.1.4-1                  0.1.1-1
  rust-tui-react                    0.20.0-1                 (not in testing)
  safe-vdash                        0.8.12-1                 0.8.6-1
  smcroute                          2.5.6-2                  2.5.6-1
  spdlog                            1:1.10.0+ds-1            1:1.10.0+ds-0.4
  svt-av1                           1.7.0+dfsg-2             1.6.0+dfsg-1
  tightvnc-java                     1.3.10-5                 1.3.10-4
  tomb                              2.10+dfsg-1              2.9+dfsg1-2
  xchm                              2:1.36-1                 2:1.35-1
  xdot                              1.3-1                    1.2-3

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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