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Testing migration summary 2023-06-27 (Tuesday)

On 2023-06-27 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version                    previous
  bbdb3                            3.2.2b-2                   3.2.2b-1
  binoculars                       0.0.14-1                   0.0.13-1
  boost1.74                        1.74.0+ds1-21.1            1.74.0+ds1-21
  boost1.81                        1.81.0-5.2                 1.81.0-5.1
  breezy                           3.3.3-1                    3.3.2-3
  console-setup                    1.222                      1.221
  cppman                           0.5.6+dfsg-1               0.5.4+dfsg1-2
  cvs                              2:1.12.13+real-29          2:1.12.13+real-28
  deja-dup                         44.2-2                     44.1-1
  dh-coq                           0.6                        0.5
  dhcpcd-ui                        0.7.9-3                    0.7.8-1
  focuswriter                      1.8.4-2                    1.8.4-1
  gifsicle                         1.94-1                     1.93-2
  godot                            3.5.2-stable-2             3.2.3-stable-1
  golang-1.21                      1.21~rc2-1                 (not in testing)
  golang-github-felixge-httpsnoop  1.0.3-3                    1.0.3-2
  golang-github-hashicorp-hil      0.0~git20230614.4d65b41-1  0.0~git20160711.1e86c6b-1
  golang-github-hashicorp-raft     1.1.2-2                    1.1.2-1
  ibus                             1.5.28-5                   1.5.27-5
  icmake                           10.04.01-1                 10.04.00-2
  ijs                              0.35-15.1                  0.35-15
  jane-street-headers              0.16.0-2                   (not in testing)
  libcotp                          2.0.1-1                    1.2.8-1
  libcryptx-perl                   0.078-1                    0.077-1
  libdate-manip-perl               6.92-1                     6.91-1
  libdatetime-format-natural-perl  1.17-1                     1.16-1
  libjson-maybexs-perl             1.004005-1                 1.004004-1
  libmicrohttpd                    0.9.77-3                   0.9.77-2
  libmodule-build-perl             0.423400-1                 0.423200-1
  libmodule-install-perl           1.21-1                     1.19-2
  libobject-pad-perl               0.79-1                     0.78-1
  libsdl2                          2.28.0+dfsg-1              2.26.5+dfsg-1
  libsdl2-gfx                      1.0.4+dfsg-5               1.0.4+dfsg-4
  libsocket-perl                   2.037-1                    2.036-1
  libtickit-widgets-perl           0.37-1                     0.36-1
  libvpoll-eventfd                 0.1.1-1                    0.1-3
  libwww-perl                      6.71-1                     6.70-1
  libzonemaster-ldns-perl          3.2.0+ds-1                 3.1.0+ds-1
  lua-cosmo                        13.01.30-5                 13.01.30-3
  lua-markdown                     0.32-8                     0.32-6
  lua-moses                        2.1.0-3                    2.1.0-1
  lua-orbit                        2.2.1+dfsg-4               2.2.1+dfsg-2
  lua-readline                     3.3-1                      3.2-2
  manuskript                       0.15.0-1                   0.14.0-1
  markupsafe                       2.1.3-1                    2.1.2-1
  minidlna                         1.3.2+dfsg-1.1             1.3.2+dfsg-1
  myst-parser                      2.0.0-1                    0.18.1-2
  nfdump                           1.7.1-3                    1.7.1-2
  openshot-qt                      2.6.1+dfsg1-4              2.6.1+dfsg1-3
  org-contrib                      0.4.1-1                    0.4+git20220927.1.6422b26-1
  otp                              1:1.2.2-4                  1:1.2.2-2
  pdf-presenter-console            4.6.0-2                    4.6.0-1
  perlimports                      0.000051-1                 0.000050-1
  php-doctrine-cache               2.2.0-2                    2.2.0-1
  php-league-csv                   9.9.0-1                    (not in testing)
  proftpd-mod-fsync                0.3-4                      0.3-3
  pymap3d                          3.0.1-2                    2.9.1-1
  pyodbc                           4.0.39-1                   4.0.34-1
  pyqt6-charts                     6.5.0+dfsg-1               6.4.0+dfsg-2
  pystemd                          0.13.2-1                   0.11.0-1
  python-anyio                     3.7.0-1                    3.6.2-1
  python-bitarray                  2.7.6-1                    2.7.5-1
  python-pallets-sphinx-themes     2.1.1-1                    2.0.3-1
  python-periphery                 2.4.1-1                    2.3.0-2
  python-shapely                   2.0.1-1                    1.8.5-2
  python-watson-developer-cloud    7.0.0-1                    6.1.0-1
  qt6-httpserver                   6.4.2-2                    6.4.2-1
  qt6-remoteobjects                6.4.2-2                    6.4.2-1
  qt6-webengine                    6.4.2-final+dfsg-5         6.4.2-final+dfsg-1
  ruby-premailer-rails             1.10.3-4                   1.10.3-3
  rust-pinger                      0.11.0-1                   0.8.0-1
  rust-shadow-rs                   0.23.0-1                   0.20.0-2
  sabctools                        7.0.2-1                    (not in testing)
  sasm                             3.14.0+ds-1                3.12.2+ds-2
  schleuder                        4.0.3-8                    4.0.3-7
  tiff                             4.5.1-1                    4.5.1~rc3-1
  unmass                           0.9-7                      0.9-5
  urlwatch                         2.28-1                     2.25-1
  usbutils                         1:015-1                    1:014-1
  vdk2                             2.4.0-5.7                  2.4.0-5.6
  volumeicon                       0.5.1+git20230228-1        0.5.1+git20170117-1
  vtk9                             9.1.0+really9.1.0+dfsg2-6  9.1.0+really9.1.0+dfsg2-5
  wings3d                          2.2.9-3                    2.2.9-2
  xchain                           1.0.1-11                   1.0.1-10
  xkeyboard-config                 2.38-2                     2.35.1-1
  zatacka                          0.1.8-9                    0.1.8-7
  zzz-to-char                      1.0.0-1                    0.1.3-3
  zzzeeksphinx                     1.4.0-1                    1.3.5-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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